Oil & Gas Downstream

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  • Oil & Gas Downstream

Processing, transporting and selling refined products made from crude oil is the business of the downstream segment of the oil and gas industry.

Key downstream business sectors include:

  • Oil Refining
  • Supply and Trading
  • Product Marketing and Retail
  • The downstream industry provides thousands of products to end-user customers around the globe. Many products are familiar such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, heating oil and asphalt for roads. Others are not as familiar such as lubricants, synthetic rubber, plastics, fertilizers and pesticides.

    Oil Refining – Products and Participants

    Crude oils are not uniform, but rather are mixtures of thousands of different compounds called hydrocarbons. Each component of each compound has its own size, weight and boiling temperature.

    Refineries process crude into a variety of useful products through a number of different processing units using heat and pressure to separate the products. The resulting petroleum products are often classified as light, medium and heavy, and include:

    Light Products

  • Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
  • Gasoline (or petrol)
  • Naphtha used as a solvent or paint thinner.
  • Medium Products – Middle Distillates

  • Kerosene and related jet aircraft fuels
  • Diesel fuel
  • Heavy Products

  • Fuel oils
  • Lubricating oils
  • Paraffin wax
  • Asphalt and tar
  • Petroleum coke